I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
Threads are deleted by the administration of Audiogon, any members here can present their case, if the thread and post cross the line , according to the Audiogon terms and conditions, policy then they are entitled to removed it.
Understood and 100% agreed. 
Erik can report any post or thread Audiogon makes the decision not Him. So that’s fair.
Agreed with the first sentence (though I’m not among those who consider Eric a deity ;)  )

I’m not sure fair is the word I’d use, but it’s a privately run Internet forum - doesn’t have to be fair. 
David thank you for posting on this thread , As you know since you visited me , I did add SMe 10 turntable, with icon ps3 phono preamp? This year on my second system , I added vpi superscout tt and Sutherland 2020 phono preamp. On digital I bought MarAntz Sa 10 sacd players, Now Iam mixing tellurium Cables and Nordost Cables And teo Cables a bit Audioquest ic, And KLH 9 Speakers added. My ps 12 are on vacation, you know what happen to my impact, otherwise over all , for my taste Iam bless to really like the music coming out from both systems.Iam now waiting for a use Valhalla 1 used to show up on Agon or Tmr Audio.So far so good.