I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
Threads are deleted by the administration of Audiogon, any members here can present their case, if the thread and post cross the line , according to the Audiogon terms and conditions, policy then they are entitled to removed it.
Understood and 100% agreed. 
Erik can report any post or thread Audiogon makes the decision not Him. So that’s fair.
Agreed with the first sentence (though I’m not among those who consider Eric a deity ;)  )

I’m not sure fair is the word I’d use, but it’s a privately run Internet forum - doesn’t have to be fair. 
David thank you for posting on this thread , As you know since you visited me , I did add SMe 10 turntable, with icon ps3 phono preamp? This year on my second system , I added vpi superscout tt and Sutherland 2020 phono preamp. On digital I bought MarAntz Sa 10 sacd players, Now Iam mixing tellurium Cables and Nordost Cables And teo Cables a bit Audioquest ic, And KLH 9 Speakers added. My ps 12 are on vacation, you know what happen to my impact, otherwise over all , for my taste Iam bless to really like the music coming out from both systems.Iam now waiting for a use Valhalla 1 used to show up on Agon or Tmr Audio.So far so good.
"Erik can report any post or thread Audiogon makes the decision not Him. So that’s fair".....one would think but the way i read it was an owner of a speaker company jumped into an open discussion on this forum,threatened members and tried to use intimidation to stop the duscussion...more than once...It wasnt till it was obvious it was going very bad for the owner of this company that site moderators jumped in and deleted the entire post....he was asked by me and others several times about their testing and said owner avoided responding but continue to try to throw his weight around....so your correct he had the right to submit a report...but in my opinion it showed me exactly what i already suspected...