I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
Well you know, those of us who buy and sell, no matter how much or little, are the ones that support this forum financially.  Hate to say it, but the rest are free loaders if you don't help out when you can.

I am a certified public accountant so I guess that is my orientation.

Also the technology is advanced and different enough it is hard to understand.
and this is a selling point? lol

A great piece of sage advice from Robert Harley's book:

"Loudspeaker design relies on a balanced approach, not reliance on some new "wonder" technology that may have been invented by the loudspeaker manufacturer..."

Also Harley states:

"The more a speaker cabinet vibrates, the worse it is."

So be sure to read professional reviews of the speaker's performance in terms of generating unwanted resonance.  If John Atkinson writes something like this when reviewing a speaker it's worth taking note:

"...the enclosure's panels seemed lively when I rapped them with my knuckles. Investigation with an accelerometer found two fairly strong, high-Q resonant modes, at 500 and 617Hz, on the sidewalls, and lower-level modes at the same frequencies on the top and rear panels."

When these types of resonances are present you may find that adding isolation or springs under a speaker may have a more profoundly beneficial impact than otherwise may occur with a well-damped speaker.

"It was the legal threat where Tekton really blundered, imo. For all the braying and boasting Tekton's products get here, its owner turned vicious once questions and criticisms were raised."....For me it was his refussal to answer direct and simple questions...testing methods as stereophile got much lower sensitivity numbers and to give a list of 50k to 100k speakers they conpared their speakers to.
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