I’ll admit that I said, time, experience and exposure, including exposure to the sound of real instruments informed me, as did the evolution of equipment and my ears. To some extent, we are dependent on the source material, as you appeared to acknowledge in the other thread.
What new and unfamiliar sound characteristics are you referring to? I’ve listened to everything from voodoo chants from Haiti to ancient big band cut to transcription, to some pretty serious modern vinyl 50-now. Is it "Oh, I heard a scraping noise in the background that I never heard before, therefore what?"
I’m not being facetious. I answered your question in good faith. And if my response is "same-same" and I’m not cutting any new ground, then I guess I have to ask you where you see the Promise Land? (words, of course, can’t do justice but since you seem adept at them, give it a go).
PS: I feel compelled to add that I don't pretend to "get" anything, let alone "it" but will share what experience I have. No guru status claimed.