Manley Chinook to Aesthetix Rhea Signature?

Curious if anyone has an input as to jumping from my Manley Chinook to a Aesthetix Rhea Signature would be worth the cost? Running a Hana ML and love the sound, but the curiosity has got the cat. I'm really surprised at how quiet the Chinook is especially coming from solid state. I would image the Hana ML doesn't require too high of gain to present too much noise in the Aesthetix?
Ideally I should upgrade my Clear Concept Wood, but the Chinook has impressed me so much I'm going to the phonostage rabbit hole. 
while i am a lover of most things Aesthetix, my personal belief is a FET and tubes will better the all tube phono over time for noise. This is where a great relationship with an Aesthetix dealer AND ultra low noise tube vendor essential. Aesthetix recommend Andy at Vintage Tube services for a reason. I have a ML with a Herron but it has a FET then 5 tubes..

Hopefully you can listen before you buy.

best to you, enjoy the music
