Wait time after record cleaning

Record cleaning has become a staple of every vinyl addicted audiophiles routine.  Most cleaning methods use liquids, whether proprietary, DIY, or just plain water.  These fluids are applied and are either vacuum removed, fan dried, towel dried, or allowed to evaporate.  There is a ton of info regarding the different types of fluids and cleaning routines currently available to review. I cannot find any information on "when the record is optimized for playing" after cleaning.  How long are people waiting after cleaning to actually play the record?  I once read that it takes over 24 hours for all the moisture in the grooves to be completely absent following a wet clean, even if on gross visual inspection the vinyl surface appears totally dry.  As a corollary, I have also read that the record sounds better if the record isn't played for 24 hours after cleaning. Distilled water, surfactant formulations, and water combined with isopropyl alcohol will all evaporate at a different rate. Is there any risk of vinyl damage if a small residuum of fluid remains in the groove when playing commences.  Is there any science behind this, or is everyone just winging it?  I typically sleeve all my freshly cleaned records and wait at least a day to play them, based on my previous reading, but am wondering if this is at all necessary.
By the time it gets to the platter it is ready to play.  

It is fun however to imagine someone trying to figure this all out. What would they do? Clean, then play immediately. Clean again, wait 5 minutes. Clean again wait an hour. Clean again wait two hours. Clean again wait 24 hours. Why stop there? Clean again, wait a week! We are running a test now, currently up to a year seems to sound the best. Of course it may be the new turntable bought while waiting for the dang record to be ready to play.....
I clean / vacuum, apply Last preservative and play. I haven’t noticed any gunk on my stylist. I’ve never done a study. I’ve never noticed a correlation with better sound and when I have cleaned and not gotten to -laying the next day. But it would have to be a big difference for me to notice.
@Orthomead- I doubt it was studied during the heyday of vinyl because wet cleaning (apart from the Monks/Loricraft) wasn’t common. I wonder if Neil @Antinn has any thoughts from a materials science perspective?
I usually clean in batches, largely to sort out condition more closely, evaluate for warps (which then go into the flattener and those aren’t getting played quickly) and so I can go into the next listening session without having to clean first. So there's usually some time interval between clean and play.  I have, on occasion, done a quick clean up on a previously cleaned album by a quick dunk in the ultrasonic w/ forced air drying-- not necessarily optimal, but a choice between the concern you described (which I hadn’t really thought much about) and playing a record with surface detritus.