Manley Chinook to Aesthetix Rhea Signature?

Curious if anyone has an input as to jumping from my Manley Chinook to a Aesthetix Rhea Signature would be worth the cost? Running a Hana ML and love the sound, but the curiosity has got the cat. I'm really surprised at how quiet the Chinook is especially coming from solid state. I would image the Hana ML doesn't require too high of gain to present too much noise in the Aesthetix?
The Chinook is a great phono stage for the money. Yes, the Herron is better. I had to spend a lot more to better the Herron.

Sorry, I have not heard any Aesthetix products. In that price range, I would suggest auditioning a Zesto Audio phono stage.
@j-wall Nothing wrong with a good used example especially at half price!

Note the Herron VTPH-2A is no longer made.
@noromance that's exactly why I'm not considering it sadly. I'd love to own one and had my chance, but here we are. I guess it may just be a dive in and see or wait for something interesting to pop up! Any other suggestions I'm open to. Man there's just a huge gap from the $2k Chinook to a $10k ARC. 

Yes, the Herron is an extraordinary value and so far in my systems w 2 cartridges resists improvement from tube rolling. ( Lyra Delos and the Hana ML )

I assumed since $ was involved getting to the Aesthetix from the Chinook, that you could spend some on isolation or a cartridge upgrade.  I am fluent in Bourbon, so i understand the tradeoff.

You might also consider a Croft RIAA RS with SUT. On the Croft @noromance and i are fans for sure.

You might also adjust radar to include Lamm, Alnic, Zesto, , etc..
I’ve heard the Zesto with a Merrill-Williams REAL table and it’s very good.
Look at the Modwright 9X with built in SUT. Both @tomic601 and I run Croft RS phono amps, which, with a set of Telefunkens punch well above their price point. Again, you’d need a SUT but you’d have the choice to tune things as you move up from your budget Hana.