Floor-standing vs Book-shelf from upper line up?


I’d like to ask your general opinion and experience.

Of course, I plan to hear (if possible) both to make the final call, but would like to know possible long-term experience.

A room is about 14ft x 13ft, a dedicated listening room with couple acoustic panels.

My question is, (specifically or generally)

- Floor stand speaker vs A book shelf type speaker from the upper line up

What would be the better choice?

 Technically, the bookshelf would provide enough sound for a room, and it’s from the upper line up, so I think this might be the optimized solution.

At the same time, I personally prefer floor-standing design (not that important), and though there might be slightly more power than I need, I think having slightly more power would not sound like a bad idea.


I compare Marten Oscar Trio vs Marten Parker Duo

Both are relatively new, and the price is basically same...  
“This price factor” (assuming you pay for what you get, especially from the same company) is a tricky thing.

If this were B&W 805 vs 704 decision. It would be a lot easier.

What would you choose?

Happy New Year! :D 
I have had a number of stand mounts... a few I regret selling .  Even with a good sub there is a lot of content missing down low.    Right in that region where the speaker rolls off and the subs x over meet .   I listened to a pair of Cornwalls a while back and most recently Forte and small speakers just can't resolve something like an upright bass convincingly.   That said I have been gravitating toward larger speakers lately.   The 700 series take up the same real estate.....
Ask around to dealers a used, demo pair of Marten Parker Trios would be great 
I saw a pair sell for $12500 this past month a Great speaker ,I heard compared head to head with a Magico A5 the Marten was for sure more defined and musical the Only downside not as well known or popular in the U.S so  resale not as good .
Magico A3 will work well in your room, and will give you a much more linear response. The A1 will also work well, at a substantial saving.
Quite simply, upper line products will resolve more, that's the way things "typically" work. So the main point you should focus on is, do I want to lose some bandwidth at the low end, but gain more detail?

I personally love well designed bookshelf speakers and don't care much for bass below 40Hz, ie, I don't miss it.