How long does Class A have?

Hi Guys/Gals
 I have a Sugden A21SE which is a Pure Class A single ended design, I absolutely love this musical amplifier with its strangely plentiful 30wpc, it runs hots as they do, I always enjoy watching the faces of my uninitiated friends when they touch it after I mention they get hot, lol.
But in this modern green era I wonder just how long do Class A amplifiers have before Greta Thunberg gets wind of this inefficient method of creating sound and pisses on the parade?



The question the sheeple never ask is "WHOSE SCIENCE? They would rather trust the fake news than question it and do some research

The truth is out there

No wonder the US is in the state it’s in.

The world extends beyond your ZIP code.

@grannyring i might respect that input IF you applied it to the near daily screed from Miller Carbon…