PrimaLuna Evo 200 underwhelming

Hi all, I wonder if someone can help or advise. I bought an ex. Display Primaluna Evo 200 a couple of weeks ago, mainly based on all the rave reviews and excellent comments on various forums. I must say, that vocals are terrific but overall, the sound seems muffled. There seems to be a hole where the mid range detail should be. I have tried the 4 and 8 ohm settings and there doesn’t seem a great deal of difference. I am using it with a Linn Genki CD player and Robson Acoustics Opulus speakers, also Vintage Tannoy Mercury speakers. I haven’t messed with the tubes because I have no idea how to do that. I so want this amplifier to sound beautiful but there is something missing. Can anyone help please?
I'm going to suggest maybe some bigger Tannoy speakers. Maybe with some Kimber PBJ or Timbre interconnects. It's not the amp, that amp can sound magical but not so great with small speakers. My little LS50s worked best with lots of solid state power. 
Thanks. I have tried Naim XS3, Rega Elicit-r, Roksan K3 and my own Naim Unity Atom. All drive the speaker well, except the Atom, which actually sounds nice but lacks power and mid range detail. I didn’t like the hard sterile, almost unrelenting sound of the others. The best I heard was a PL Prolougue pre-amp with a Cyrus power amp. The sound was amazing but out of my budget, hence I saw the Evo 200 and thought it might sound as good. It nearly does but the lack of mid detail is just so obvious. The Evo 200 has a 30 day return policy, so I have the option to return it, or try and sell the Robson’s and start again. 
The Prima Luna is all about midrange detail, so it’s the loudspeaker matchup that is not working. The Prima Luna can easily be matched to 10,000 dollar loudspeakers, you might want to think about giving your loudspeakers a good solid budget for upgrade. Upscale can really help you here. 
Many thanks for taking the time to help me. I am sure you are right, I do love the Primaluna sound as compared to solid state. It does sound much better through my old Tannoys, which says it all really. I wish I had 10,000 dollars to spend on speakers, that’s way out of my league. I might just look out for some bigger Tannoys. Many thanks everyone for your advice.
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