How long does Class A have?

Hi Guys/Gals
 I have a Sugden A21SE which is a Pure Class A single ended design, I absolutely love this musical amplifier with its strangely plentiful 30wpc, it runs hots as they do, I always enjoy watching the faces of my uninitiated friends when they touch it after I mention they get hot, lol.
But in this modern green era I wonder just how long do Class A amplifiers have before Greta Thunberg gets wind of this inefficient method of creating sound and pisses on the parade?

I find it difficult to accept there is life out there that is soooo ignorant. 

Guess this post will also be removed as there are people out there that are not prepared to accept the truth of science! 

I truly feel sorry for you all and hope we may be able to get back on track of the importance of listening to and helping people reach their goals of having the best audio system they can afford. 

Please get back to the point of this forum! 

Regards, Tony. 
Love it when the sheep belly up to the kool-aid stand and ask for two. If you have not opened your eyes to the fact that all government is corrupt to the core you are the one in for the shock of your life when your eyes open. “The new ice age, global warming, climate change, 19, delta, zulu, science,” All part of the Great Reset to separate the rich elites from we the people. This thread is the perfect example of how successful the elites have become in their battle against us. The basic war tactic of divide and conquer. Right now they sit back and get rich, eat where they want, fly private jets around the globe, and get chaffered in huge cars all the while us minions fight there battles amongst us for them. If we the people can’t unite for our own good they will destroy us but we need to destroy the elites. No response needed as I will not revisit this conversation. I am going back to enjoy the music!
There is no point in engaging. They pull out phrases like “free speech”, “censorship”, “right to an opinion” etc. It’s sad that these people are unable to pull themselves out from under their feelings of being disenfranchised. So many who where made promises to when they were young, promises that never came true. The “Elite” and educated are to blame. That is who is holding them back. The great conspiracy is what held them back. Not the fact they were sold a bill of goods, and they never had what it takes. At the core of this is their need to feel relevant. That they are above all the rest, seeing a truth that we are incapable of seeing for our selves. They live in an imaginary place where they are the gatekeepers, and we are the “sheep”. Sad really. People are very much allowed to have their own opinions, and to state them. However, not all opinions are of equal value. Some opinions are so misinformed that they are indeed dangerous. Opinions are like asses. We all have them, we need them. Many, however are full of $hl1.