Two channel and home theater room under construction

Some of you have followed my threads about getting a new room in which to listen. Well, it's underway. I've got to work with the parameters of the space -- 26 x 15 x 8 ft ceilings -- but I was able to accommodate some suggestions. Two photos at bottom of system page:

There will be 5 dedicated lines. Three at the end of the room where my audio gear will be, and two more at different locations in the room just in case the gear moves or other things need to be plugged in further away. There is one line along the sidewall in case I can get my gear away from my speaker's front wall. The lines are using 10 awg romex. Hard to fulfill some of the other electrical desiderata because we are not using a special electrician and it was just too hard to do too much. I did get a sheet of requirements to them (regarding breakers, silver paste, etc. Some was done.)

The drywall is all 5/8". The ceiling has insulation, a layer of drywall, an RC channel, and a second layer of drywall below it.

It looks like the room will have to also contain a TV and an AVR, but I'll mount the TV flush on the wall behind the speakers and have something to cover it with. The electronics for the TV will be on a separate line.

For the short run, because we have pets, we're going with LVF flooring and area rugs over concrete. The LVF will hopefully have something under it -- cork might be good. In the short run, some area rugs. In the longer run, a wall to wall carpet, not too thick.

It's very hard to think through other things until I can get set up and listen, but hopefully the fundamentals are being put in place. It's a room not dedicated to audio, but it will be friendlier than my current space with 6 foot ceilings.

Here's a brief recording of the room with nothing in it. Just old solid state gear but my current speakers in the mix:
Kinda like the feng shui minimalist industrial vibe ya got going there. 
@soix Remember the scene in the 1981 movie Diva where the girl is rollerskating around the French guy's apartment, while he sits in the center of a largely empty room doing a puzzle and listening to music? That'd be the goal, here, if I wasn't a middle aged guy with a family in a basement.
Now is the time to get a baseline plot for RT60 ( room empty ).
In the above post for " current room " you may want to focus on low end range - zero Hz to 300 ms being the greatest imbalance @  400 ms roughly twice the two hundred ms ring.
You may be missing an opportunity to ' EQ ' the low range without more use of the ceiling as absorption ( as @asctim stated ).
The ' range ' ( @tomic601 ) is a ' matter of preference ' and would require some trial placement / absorption. 
As an example 200 ms to 300 ms could be the preferred RT60 range.
Then work to ' tune ' the room for a ' smoothed ' Plot '.
The drywall should sound better overall than the brick ( higher frequency brightness ).