Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
When I was first trying to integrate my subs I had the gain way up and of course they excited my suspended floor. I ended up buying the Auralux (sp?) SubDude and it made a big difference. Of course getting the subs integrated better and turning the gain down did wonders too! In the context of the topic what does anyone think about using them for floorstanders under spikes? It seems that it would be an effective decoupler for a teentsie fraction of the cost.
The bargain for the money is Nobsound, at $30 dirt cheap but better than most anything else until you get to Townshend.
No slinkys under my speakers, just blue tac as an interface between speaker and stand. Spiked to solid concrete through carpet. Stands filled with atabites. Sounds good to me.

+1 on the nobsound. Not knowing it specifically, I bought what appears to be an identical version on Amazon. For years Ive been using machina dynamica springs under everything but my speakers.

First I bought 2 sets, put one under my Voyager GaN amp to eliminate the squishy rubber feet. As can be expected, the sound was more focused and faster. I couldn't decide between the Oppo 105 with aftermarket Linear Power Module/Supply or my Audio Alchemy DDP-1 dac/pre. I also have the PS 5. I chose the DDP-1 and could easily hear the improvement, and so ordered 5 more sets. I received 3 with 2 are on their way. I put 3 under the Oppo, one directly under the spinner and one directly under the toroid with a third on the far right for balance. Another nice improvement. This left me with 9. I placed 3 under the PS 5 and was happily surprised. The final 6 were divided equally under the 2 large outboard XOs from my Emerald Physics 3.4s. The 2 sets not yet here will replace the Harbor Freight dollys under each speaker. Once all were in position the overall sound is more organic; @ $26/set = $130 and free shipping, IMO they qualify as an absolute bagain


Yes, I believe geoffkait, owner of Machina Dynamica was the first to advocate springs long before anyone else on this forum...