PS Audio FR-30 Speaker...

@oldhvymec I own late model IRS Beta’s with ample exotic amplification, I to will be interested in what todays 
20+ will sound like comparably. 
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The PS Audio speaker was always going to be as state of the art as Paul could make it. If you know his history, and AN IRS speakers, you'll get it.
I understand from his videos that he intends to have several demos in shop that will be loaned out to potential customers in the USA only for in-home demonstrations. The devil is in the details but really Can’t beat that !

The design is also has some similarities to Sandy Gross’ Def tech towers with their passive radiators and rear firing tweeters, although different drivers of course. 
I feel positive they will sound incredibly good any which way.  But I just do NOT like how they look.  I know it is just me and maybe in person they are better (like cars) but holy moly Batman.