More Roon Questions

I’m going to ask a late question. This topic was talked about last week, but I need a little more info. I have this Lyngdorf MP-40 that is Roon ready. It’s headed my way from Denmark and will have it Friday. I’d like to go ahead and buy a Nucleus. From all the previous discussions last week I have settled on that route, along with Qubuz. My question is about these TB SSD cards. I am starting from scratch. I have no files or such to insert. I will be streaming from Qubuz, through the Nucleus to the Lyndorf. At least that’s how I understand it. I have never streamed before, I’m a shiny disc guy. Can’t I just stream through the Qubuz/Nucleus/Lyngdorf and call it a day? Lets say I want to listen to Dark Side of the Moon... Is it easier to grab the album from a pre downloaded file off of the SSD card than it is to just stream it off of Qubuz? What advantage is pre downloading it? Quicker ? Is it that much of a hassle to find it on Qubuz and getting it playing? I guess I just don’t get the process, but I know you guys will. Please explain in laymen’s terms ..
The reason I ask is because the standard Nucleus comes without any TB SSD (and what the heck does that stand for). The Cards are 400 dollars for a 2TB SSD, and I like to know what the 400 dollars extra gets me ..
^ I don’t believe either the Lyngdorf or the Nucleus have a wireless option.
Thanks for the enlightenment . You sold me as soon as a couple of you said most music sounds better after copied and replayed. Coming from CD’s and DVD’s I’m wanting to not take steps back in Sound Quality. Being penny wise and dollar foolish is not my way. And I did not think about the play list varying as licenses come and go. At least that’s how (again) I understand what you have said. I missed out on the 1 free TB as that special purchase ended, so I just ordered a 2TB SSD option Nucleus this afternoon. I should be trying all this in a week or so.
Enjoy! Though the opinion of copied sounding better has as many arguing that the original disc play back sounds best.
Your all set for streaming, don't limit yourself to cd rips only. And your Lyngdorf is Roon ready, consider getting Roon. Also, Qobuz and Tidal both embedded within Roon, so you can have both or just one. Roon interface better than Tidal or Qobuz. The license thing isn't really that much an issue, I rarely lose a favorite album or song from playlists, and when I do a replacement is readily available. I have well over 2500 cd rips, streaming opens one up to so much more music!

How do you back up your nucleus?

Having trouble using an external hard drive to do this. Roon doesnt find it even though the USb is connected to the nucleus