MM Cartridge Recommendation

Hello Everyone, 
Over the past year I've been slowly building up my first system and have just recently upgraded my turntable to a Clearaudio Concept w/ Satisfy Carbon arm.  

My current total system is as follows:
- Belles Aria [Integrated w/ MM phono] 
- B&W 705 [original series from 2004 stand mounts w/ matching stands]
- Clearaudio Concept w/ Satisfy Carbon tonearm 
- Ortofon 2M Black MM cartridge 

Overall I've been very happy with my system especially working within a reasonable budget.  
The Clearaudio has also been a great upgrade from my original entry level [U-Turn Orbit] turntable. 
I bought it used with the 2M Black already mounted, and it is very smooth/neutral sounding with a lot of detail. 
However, at times I find it almost too neutral.

Would anyone have recommendations on another MM cartridge to pair with my existing system?
I'm still trying to determine if I may like another sound better [perhaps more warmth or even just comparison for a different sound] as I explore and still learn what sounds I like. 

I know many people prefer MC, however at this time I do not want to add a MC phono preamp to my system.   
I'd consider HOMC [ie Hana cartridge] but I'm not sure if they would work within my exiting Belles Aria MM system?

My budget is ~$800. 
My preference is to buy new however would consider an easily accessible used [I just don't want to have to search for some obscure hard to find cartridge].  

Also please keep in mind that I am still new to this hobby so am by no means an expert in cartridge setup & alignment. 

Any advice or feedback is really appreciated! 



Other manufacturers have been selling replacement styli since it was invented by Walter Stanton for Pickering cartridges more than 50 years ago. It was innovative design that made MM cartridges more convenient than MC.

*Walter O. Stanton was Norman C. Pickering’s plant manager. Mr. Stanton invented the interchangeable needle grips Pickering used and later purchased Pickering & Company. A sister brand to Stanton.

It’s interesting that Stanton and Pickering made low output / low impedance MM cartridges too, those low impedance versions designed for MC phono input (sut or headamp), but still with interchangeable needle grips (user replaceable styli). 
The Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood is closer to your budget and a very nice cartridge and will work well with your table.  And yes, it is easy to snap off the cantilever, so be careful.  I like the sound of the Virtuoso better than the MP-500, which I also have and it should be a better match with your table.
Dear @mr_m  : That Clearaudio was the Virtuoso black wood and as always the quality performance is tonearm/system dependent.

I made it its review and does not showed the " problem " you experienced with:

A couple of thoughts:

First, do you have another well-known source (say, digital). If the system is still not sufficiently warm for your taste, and you have tried the free stuff (speaker and seat placements, room tuning with furnishings and rugs, etc), then it’s not the source. I personally have found every B&W I have heard somewhat sterile, but I haven’t heard the 705. 

Then, on cartridges: I’ve run a 2M Black for five years now. It was meant as a temporary cartridge while I saved for something “better”, but on a my table and arm I haven’t been persuaded to change. The stylus profile means that set-up is, well, fussy.  (Thankfully I can adjust VTA precisely.) It’s unforgiving of unclean records. And I hated it when I heard it demo’d on my previous table and arm — go figure. 

So I can understand curiosity to change. Before spending any money on what is a bit of a crapshoot, have you listened to the audio files of the MM comparison (including the 2M Black) that Michael Fremer ran on his site a few years back?

Good luck with your quest — Ping