Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
Never heard Star Sound. Townshend Podiums under my speakers has been among the biggest transformations. Maybe the biggest.
The music sounds so much more “real”. Everything that has been said about them is true. 
The Star Sound Apprentice platforms have provided those similar results in my audio system. The effect is as if the speakers disappeared in my room. I think it is fair to conclude that both products get the job done exceptionally well. I don’t believe that one product/solution has to be denigrated in order to support the other. Both can coexist and be excellent choices.
The Star Sound Apprentice platforms have provided those similar results in my audio system. The effect is as if the speakers disappeared in my room. I think it is fair to conclude that both products get the job done exceptionally well. I don’t believe that one product/solution has to be denigrated in order to support the other. Both can coexist and be excellent choices.

@charels1dad, I concur with every point. Excellent post.

Have owned both Sistrum and Townshend platforms, although in different systems with different loudspeakers.
The Sistrum supports in my system did two things that were easy to hear immediately, Focus of individual voices and instruments, which I thought was already very good improved noticeably. The other great improvement was, as Charles and tvad noted, the speakers disappear as sources of sound. My speakers are big boxes like yours Charles, although they're a lot wider, so that was quite a feat. 

FWIW:  for the heck of it I tried the Nobsound (actually a similar product)under my CJ tube amps, my CJ pre amp, and also tried the Isoacoustics pucks under both.    My tube amps were on a sprung wood floor.

No difference in sound at all.