Speaker set up and IRREGULAR rooms.

For some odd reason a closet was built in my living room. It juts out from the right side wall ahead of my listening spot. It actually limits where my listening position can be. Future plans do include removing it but in the mean time I have a question about positioning of my floor standers. Because of the closet it effectively makes it so that if I were to draw an imaginary line from the face of my closet to the back wall I'm at 11.5 ft. room width. Past the closet and to the right of the speaker it opens into the dining room. What does anyone think about placing the right speaker outside the imaginary line effectively in the area leading to the dining room? it is still clearly fully visible though I'm sure I'm getting some of the output bouncing off the side wall of the closet. I ask because it allows me to get a lot more distance between mains. I have Dali Opticon 8s and placed as so they sound pretty fantastic. 
I would first try both speakers matched relative to rear corners (not too close), and then tweak the balance control for best imaging of familiar music, from your listening position (which may be best a bit off center itself).

Good enough until you remove the closet?

I love this remote controller 


you MUST get the remote, no controls on the unit.
If the speakers sound good, then I wouldn't sweat it.- Especially if you are going to remove the closet.
If you want to play, then try some acoustic treatments. For a cheap fix, try hanging some small area rugs at different areas behind the speakers. that way you can get a sense of what you might need.
It sounds like you’re going to have to start moving the speakers around a bit to find out where they sound best. Or take a sledgehammer and eliminate the problem now. ;)