Denon PMA 980R For those that don't want to spend $$$$+$'s

I have been poking around with the 980R for two weeks, and for what it is it's pretty amazing unit. No problems with controls or anything. Great sounding AMP with plenty of power. 90WPC.

Maybe a bit punchy, but I back the bass off, and leave the loudness button on.

Drives my Totem Mani 2's with little effort. (I do not think the Totem's have the power requirements many say they have)

Just thought I would mention it for those on a budget.

I have a Sansui AU 919 that could use some work, and a Yamaha CR 20240 that needs a re-lamp so until I can get those worked on this will fit the bill. 

Acurus A250 that works fine. Among a couple other units......
You have quite a collection of amps there.

 As I can see, judging from the age of the Sansui, it may require a lot in funds to have that Sansui worked on. 
 The Acurus caught my eye. Have you considered teaming it with a tubed pre? I`ve teamed a tubed pre with an Adcom 5300 ( simular to the Acurus), and have gotten good results. 
'Loudness' is the stupidest name it could have been given, which is why it is misunderstood, then misused.

Leaving Loudness ON, at normal listening levels:

is the OPPOSITE of it's intended use, which is to BOOST Bass, for LOW LISTENING LEVELS, Progressive Boost with Diminishing Volume.

Because: our ability to hear bass relative to mids is progressively reduced at low volumes (equal at normal volumes).

So, you are leaving it ON, finding it Bass Heavy, then turning the Bass Down. Creating and Solving A Problem.

I suggest, at normal listening volume, you turn Loudness OFF, and put your BASS Tone Control back to neutral. Then, use only the tone controls if you feel the frequency response needs a slight adjustment IN YOUR SPACE.

Afterall, the speaker maker's design for an imaginary average room, not your particular space. Vintage designs included L-Pads for frequency refinement, 1/2 attenuation the default, then boost for dead rooms or cut for live rooms, and your personal taste which is probably related to your hearing as well as your space.
Every loudness circuit I ever had tapered off when increasing the volume.  There is that.
The sound of the amp sounds fuller with the loudness switch on. And I will continue to use it that way.

I have nothing in this stuff.

The Sansui will probably cost around $350 for a refurb. To me it’s worth it. And that will be by far the most I ever spent on any unit. New, or used!

Funny, no love for the great sounding 2040. The one I have has a lovely wood veneer case in a slightly darker honey color, with a voltage selector on the back. Great sounding unit that for some odd reason gets over looked. Like this 980R.

That $350 for a refurb, are you sure, that, is not just for the diagnostics and parts?
17 yrs. ago, my Sansui refurb was around $450.