
Dear friends I am interested to upgrade my caps in the tube preamp from Audio theta tin foil 3uf200VDC to Miflex1uf 240VDC copper foil what are your thoughts will reducing the value to 1uf affect the bass and frequency response or should I go with a higher value than 3uf  
Dear @sns : " I’m generally skeptical when anyone claims objective superiority for any particular piece of audio equipment or part. So, Raul claims Wima is the most superior cap for any use. ..................... I want my caps to have a sound signature, ......... As far as other parameters of sound quality, such as transparency, resolution, more should be better. "

Wima, Kemet and Vishay manufacture a wide range of cap models for different kind of applications. It’s not that one model is for all, at least was not my intention if I posted that. I think I posted for : electronics/speakers.

Now, the specific models on each brand that I posted were selected after tested several other models in each brand even caps that in specific was not for audio but my technical level to know that for sure is to low.

Wima, Kemet and Vishay models posted has a sound signature: neutral/natural. There are not much differences in between those models.

You mentioned: " transparency and resolution... " and I said that the humble caps are: neutral/natural.

You posted: "" it had no definable character. "" Why should has that " character " a well engineering passive device? Let that for the active devices in electronics.
Active devices have its own " problems " as to add passive parts own " problems " in the manufacture electronic units. Passive parts must be not a source of distortions/colorations by it self and if the designer is looking for those " colorations/distortions " for the unit performs in adequate way then exist a severe problem in his design.

IMHO those sound characteristics belongs to the audio system designs quality performance ( including the manufacturers QC in the building its designs. ) and how that system handled both frequency extremes specially the bass range where in a home system MUSIC belongs. No, not belong to the mid range.

I don’t know which Wima models you tested and if were the same model I posted. ( same for jbhiller, grannyrings and others. ).

Please let me talk of : transparency, resolution and system noise floor where system transparency and high resolution can’t exist if the system noise floor is really really low ( that almost disappears. ).
Any system will receive high benefits ( noise floor levels ) when the owner took as a target to set up the system any kind developed distortions at MINIMUM at each link of the system chain.

I will share my first hand experiences about, this is only an example:

I own a custom made SS Phonolinepream that by design is fully balanced input to output, pure class A, fully dual mono, discrete design, non-feedback and several other very good characteristics.

Well, years ago I bought two stereo SPL pots/attenuators ( Elma mechanism. ) that were in a box and never opened/used.

My unit comes with two Elma true hole Vishay resistors and I was really happy with.
Two years ( I think. ) ago I remember I own those pots that came with SMD resistors and decided to change instead the originals and I did it and with the whole system on the first " sound " ( with out playing nothing, no signal through. ) I listened was a " dead silence " as I never experienced ( normally I listened by nigth where the room noise floor is lower than in the afternoon. ): the system noise floor gone lower with that simple change.

What happened when put I the first LP recording and gone to my seat position?; I was totally disappointed because both frequency extremes " gone ", even I listened as the normal SPL where the potswere and that I did not change with the new pots and for me the SPL gone down and I followed my listening session nad measured the SPL and for my surprise still the same. My impression over all that session did not changed.

At the middle of next night session took in count what was happening because all the MUSIC was THERE but with way lower distortions and with higher system resolution than before.

Yes, the SMD resistors made it.

That same experience I had and have with my cap " voyage/adventure " and I posted in my cap thread.

Those kind of experiences ar nothing less than overwhelming, outstanding and makes a real difference in any well designed system, no doubt about.

Through the humble caps sessions I was not totally sure if that noise floor goes down and I return to the boutiques caps and guess what : noise floor goes up and resolution/transparency gone down !.

This is not something that only experienced by me but for other gentlemans too.

Well I have to with my family. Have a good week end and find out if you own a high resolution system and if you are satisfied with that resolution levels.

Yes, we own different electronic technology items but our priorities seems to me is the same: MUSIC and its rigth reproduction or near it.

Yes, my system has very high resolution and ceratinly it's not 2D or lifeless but the other way around. When you are listen to it you don't want to stop you don't want to stop all the feelings and emotions that what you are listening is wake up in you and that only MUSIC can do it.


Congratulations! Glad to hear the ODAMS capacitors worked out so well for you. No longer feel the need for your subwoofer? Now that's impressive!😊

I ended up pulling the cable just to be sure it was really off!

I’m a little overwhelmed. In the past 3 to 4 hours I have not listened to a single track without noticing something I never did before. This is the biggest bump in sound I have had that I can recall.

I suspect the previous caps were particularly bad and holding the system back and the VCaps are letting it through now?

PS. the upgrade was 2xCuTF and 2xODAM per channel. The CuTF were done a week before and I think they were hamstrung by the OEM caps and only showing their stuff now. 
@rauliruegas Sound character is not necessarily distortion or higher noise floor. I hear lower noise floor and definite sound signature with various boutique caps.
I have no problem with belief wima or any capacitor is YOUR favorite, to suggest they or any cap is objectively best is problematic. I'd just say, prove wima or whatever  cap is objectively best. I believe it when you say wima superior to boutique caps in your system and your ears/brain. They simply aren't in my system and for my brain/ears.

The constant harping on bests of anything in audio is so tiresome and without merit. Taken within the context of our brains, ears, rooms, AC quality, system individuality, whatever else I'm forgetting, I cannot make with even minimal certainty an objective evaluation of your audio system listening experience. Anyone can make any assertion about all kinds of things, it would be nice to see proof for the objective assertions.

In my experience, in my opinion, in comparison to are some stated conditions that promote more confidence and validity to persons making assertions of various kinds. Finally, having open mind in regard to posts stating these conditions may help one in evolving their system. I understand you met the comparison condition, but you then go on to state wima or whatever cap you should be regarded as best based on your experience. I've never regarded my favorite whatever part or audio equipment should be accepted as an objective best.

Quality should not be understood simply as judgmental term, rather it should be understood in regard to audio as a term to explain the qualities  of the sound we are hearing, . Not everything needs to be understood as being on a linear graph of worst to best.
All audiophiles should read Robert Pirsig's novel, 'Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance' more than once in their life. Being mindful of wisdom of this book will bring much greater pleasure in one's system and deter assertions of superior knowledge. Focusing on qualities rather than qualitative judgements will allow one to have greater pleasure in present system, and better evaluation of present system for incremental improvement. And most important for audio forums, these silly assertions that one is singularly in possession of some audio truth.