Mixed Results from My Hifi

Hi all, I'm looking to get a more consistent sound from my system. Some CD's sound great. No complaints, others pretty mediocre. Most Jazz and smaller production CD’s sound wonderful, detailed, airy, all that audiophile stuff. But mass produced pop and rock are almost unlistenable. I call it the “wall of sound” syndrome, compressed, digital, bleah. The latest releases from Sheryl Crow, U2 and Coldplay sound awful (not withstanding anyone’s taste in music).

What can I do to improve the overall sound in my system so I can listen to all of my music? Add tubes, a new DAC?

I’m listening.
Hmmmmm... It sounds like to me that you are getting mixed results.

Have you ever tried getting static results?

Please pay the receptionist on your way out.
Most of my prog-rock vinyl sounds wonderfull. Led Zeppelin, FZ even the first presses sound terrible on vinyl and CDs.
The solution is preamp with tone controlls for any rock listener period.
Hmmmm, lets see, so far you have, change your DAC/CD Player, change your amp, add tubes, add room treatment, new floors, rug on floors, carpet your floors, add desert topping to your floors, buy new CD's, don't listen to pop rock, buy vinyl, go to the doctor and get a script for digititus, purchase Radio Shack gear and drink liberally, get an equalizer, push-pull, no SET, no, no stick with Solid State and add more power, listen in your car, move your speakers, cover your plexiglass with something soft and wooly, it's hopeless; you're SOL, life sucks, everyone's shit stinks.

Tired of the madness?

Three words: Clever Little Clock.

...enough said.

This is great, lots of responses. Thanks guys.

A rash of divergent opinions. Marco is right, I'm screwed.

Think I'll go to Spearitsound and tease 'em for awhile today.

Sorry Marco, the correct answer is light up a fatty, kick back, relax and enjoy. Oh yeah, and you'll want something to snack on.