Power conditioner some say yes and some say no.

Depending on who I ask a power transformer conditioner can have a good effect on the sound while others claim they inhibit the dynamics of an amp. I don’t have serious power problems as far as I know but I enjoy my sound most of the time. I currently use a Hydra 6 for my entire system except for my amp where I use a Hydra 2. Would it make sense to invest thousands on a power transformer conditioner or would my Hydras be enough by isolating the components from each other. I was waiting for a Keces IQRP 3600 to try but the dealer I was to get it from died from Covid-19 before arranging my Keces to be shipped. I am out $4000 and am not so fast to drop another $4000 on the Keces. Perhaps in the future if it makes sense. I find that not many use transformer conditioners due to the dynamics limitations of the amp. Any help would be appreciated.
Again, I’m agreeing with jason bourne 52. I suspect power conditioners are a cottage industry exploiting the placebo effect. Having practiced medicine for 30+ years prior to retirement, I am familiar with this effect. It is relatively easy to install a power conditioner, just plug it in. But to make a meaningful improvement in,say an amplifier’s, performance, one must disassemble the device and modify the power supply, usually by installing increased capacitance.
A new descent Furman can be had for 125-220$ with lights, and good over all over current protection. 
 We have horrible power here, as mentioned the wall voltage, goes up, down, 116 up to almost 123, the Furman shuts everything down in a millisecond when voltage gets above a specific voltage. 
 Can be a pain in the butt at times, but I feel safe knowing my audio is protected. 

I bought an Audience AR6 three houses ago and it helped a lot with noise.  Each time I’ve moved I have just plugged it back in.  Been here two years and never checked.  Maybe I’ll unplug it for a time and see if anything gets worse.

“As you found out, it is not prudent to prepay to an individual during a pandemic (of the unvaccinated.)”
 Caveat emptor. 

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