How long does Class A have?

Hi Guys/Gals
 I have a Sugden A21SE which is a Pure Class A single ended design, I absolutely love this musical amplifier with its strangely plentiful 30wpc, it runs hots as they do, I always enjoy watching the faces of my uninitiated friends when they touch it after I mention they get hot, lol.
But in this modern green era I wonder just how long do Class A amplifiers have before Greta Thunberg gets wind of this inefficient method of creating sound and pisses on the parade?

My Futtermans do double duty in the winter: they keep my listening room - in the attic - nice and warm. I never have to turn up the heat.

As for climate change, I thought politics was verboten here. I'm as left as they come on this issue and others, but ...
I accept that audio-related forums can be contentious at times, but the personal innuendo in the original post regarding the public figure is perhaps the most ugly thing that I recall coming across here.
I would think that pointing out one person’s post is rather an ugly action in itself, the original post was just pointing out some of our hifi is numbered in its days. I’m going to guess your snowflakes are melting. 
This thread posed a good question, but it degenerated into one of the all-time worst.  
What audiogon needs is a “block posts from this member” option.  
Class A has about one to three years before a truly state of the art class D amp is here......after that.....all class a amps will be boat anchors.

Enjoy every deserve it.  You are beautiful.