This Whole AC noise thing...SOLUTION!

I've been spending hours researching the whole issue of AC noise/distortion finding its way into our stereo systems......My conclusion is it is VERY real.    I've also concluded that any of the generally supported methods of removing it are at best ineffective and at worse nonsense.    There are simply WAY too many devices in our house and our neighbors houses that generated unwanted AC noise.....Through the power cables AND airborne.    Various power conditioners and better cables can mitigate the issue, but they can not totally eliminate it. And the older your houses wiring, the older the transformer on the pole outside and the older the wires coming into your house...The issues thatr your neighbors might have in their house...The worse the problem is.    But I think there is a solution.....Disconnect from the GRID entirely! In the last few years, the Lithium battery powered portable generator industry has been on a roll.....These devices have gotten bigger and better at far reduced price.    Basically what they are is a large Lithium battery and a well regulated DC to AC inverter all in one box...Not connected to anything but your stereo...You charge it with an AC charger when you are not listening to your system, and unplug the charger when you are listening...or, if you have the room, you charge it with a few solar panels.    If you are the DIY type you can buy a few LiFo cells, a BMS (battery management system) a good charger and a quality DC to AC inverter for around $2000....Loads of YouTube videos on this. Search Will Prowse on YT and plan on spending a few hours!    Be aware, this will not solve the RF noise issue from devices sending noise through the air to your cables....Short interconnect length, shielded AC cables and disconnecting as many wall warts, USB adapters and compact and LED lights will greatly help.    Comments?
Almost forgot, many years ago ran a NEW (nirvana electronic works) A60 amp. Class A ss amp ran off four lead acid batteries. I was looking for cleaner power all those years ago, the A60 did have a much lower noise floor and sense of purity than all amps prior.
@millercarbon: "There is no solution. Stop even thinking of it."

Wow! Does that sentiment really jive with the icon you’ve chosen? Maybe Oscar the Grouch but Al?

If we all lived by that credo, we’d all still be living in caves and wondering where our next meal was coming from.

Must’ve been a moment of weakness. Sounds too harsh, even for you.

You have much to learn, grasshopper. There is no solution because a solution means the problem is solved. But the problem is never solved. It is only made less and less of a problem.    

We still have people living in caves by the way. Just because we figured out how to build better housing didn’t solve that problem. If you find reality harsh, can the weakness and buck up.
09-04-2021 10:42am
"There is no solution. Stop even thinking of it." - MC

Wow! Does that sentiment really jive with the icon you’ve chosen? Maybe Oscar the Grouch but Al?

If we all lived by that credo, we’d all still be living in caves and wondering where our next meal was coming from.

Must’ve been a moment of weakness. Sounds too harsh, even for you. - oldaudiophile
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with adopting better solutions until that day of perfection either.

MC adopts better solutions himself, I heard his new TT. I’m guessing he’s had an off day or something? I'm not saying his comment doesn't have merit, it's a case of why stop trying to find better solutions - hopefully getting very very close to perfect.

@rbertalotto - I like your Agon name, it has an Italiano flavor to it.
@millercarbon, I was actually responding more to the rather imperious or arrogant tone of "Stop even thinking about it.", as opposed to the still negative and defeatist "There is no solution." Such sentiments serve only as impediments to advancements. I'm confident Al would agree with that. Judging from many of your other more helpful and considerably less churlish posts, I suspect you might, as well. Many people on forums like this are genuinely interested in obtaining guidance, furthering their knowledge and selflessly sharing their expertise and experiences. A little humility or modesty, especially in a teacher, goes a long way; not to mention kindness. Sooner or later, the faces of paragons turn to "alabaster when (they) find (their) servant(s) (have become their) master(s)".
Can't remember who said something like: "Perfection exists only in the mind...". It was probably one of the great Greek philosophers like Plato but many philosophers have uttered the same sentiment.