Calling all (50 or less?) Falcon Kingswood Warren Edition LS3/5a owners...

I stumbled into a rather expensive (relative) impulse buy a couple of months back as my semi-local dealer happened to urge me to listen to his only for-sale pair of Falcon Kingswood Warren Special Edition LS3/5as.  I had a buddy whose ears I trust with me, and it only took about 1/4 of a song for him to turn to me and say "you should buy these," and I was thinking the exact same thing, so I knew what had to happen.  For a guy who doesn't make impulse buys very often on anything, that was a big swing out of my comfort zone that day, but I don't regret it for a second as they are absolutely amazing speakers.

I'd like to make contact with other owners, and honestly really any LS3/5a owners (which I know is a much, much larger and very loyal group) and ask the first question--what amp(s) are you finding to be great pairings to these beautiful little speakers?

As it turns out, fortunately I happened to have not sold (due to a day-of backout...thank you) my Melody 845 integrated, which is a superb pairing with these speakers at their 18 wpc output.  I'm running Elrog tubes in them, which turns out to be a really detailed yet musical sound that seems to be a super match for the amp and speakers.  I'm back in love with this stellar amp and tube combo. 

But like all things audio, I have to ask...anyone else blown away by different amp pairings?

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I have Rogers LS3/5a’s and am currently running them with a ss integrated (Belles Aria) with about 70wpc.  The sound is to die for!  I’ll try some tube and class A amps when the weather cools some, but can’t imagine anything sounding better than the Belles.
I had reported above that I added a KEF62 to the Falcon Kingswood Warrens. I meanwhile received my 2nd KEF62. I am driving the subs in Stereo now just parallel to the Falcons with the low pass to the subs set to 60Hz. The result blew me away. Adding a KEF62 is a great idea in the first place, but driving them in a stereo configuration makes 1 + 1 more than 2. I had hoped it would add even more ease to the whole set up, but I was not prepared for this. Forget about a debate whether stereo subs make sense, it transformed sth that was already a great upgrade into a system with even more ease. I hear no sub, just full blown instruments , pianos, contrabass, electronic bass, so much fun. It took even more strain from the Falcon sound, opening everything up even more. I am moved by the difference this made. Best 3000$ I ever spent on Hi-Fi. So let’s reflect what happens here: you have the superfast Falcons that punch and sing, jut not loud at all, but can’t deliver miracles below 60Hz. Now you add 2 dipoles (4 superstiff 5“ membranes), which fire evenly in the room, not against the floor, accelerated by 2x 1000W of amplification. And the perceptions of loudness, space and ease comes from the bass < 60Hz. It works fabulously and now they sound like fast, precise big speakers, without loosing the speed. Placement and messing with the crossover took me 5 min, it’s that easy. Conclusion: 1. The Falcon LS3/5a work fantastic with the KEF62 (one sub, placed in speaker axis in the middle between the speAkers). It is fast enough that it seamlessly integrates. 2. Adding a 2nd sub and driving them in stereo configuration makes a bigger incremental difference, than adding the first sub (which is already amazing). 3. the Falcons easy to place, so are these subs, I have them just next to the speakers. And they are so small that they don’t change the small speaker experience which many of us enjoy about the ls3/5as. 
With the right pairing of amp,and some proper placement in your room, these LS3/5 type speaker are incredible.  Now,this is my preference,but class A amp plus tube pre plus ls3/5 equals gourmet meal for the ears! 
I heard the Falcons right before Covid....was really impressed.   Not my type of speaker for the most part , but they sounded really good.  I could totally justify them for a small system.    Driven by a Roger's int amp they sounded pretty amazing.   
Got the T+A MP2000 arriving this weekend for demo. Don’t see a lot about it on the forums but looking forward to giving it a try.