Help me decide on first turntable purchase

This is my first turntable purchase. Last time I had a TT was when I was teenager in the 80's. I don't have much vinyl at all so I have to buy records as well. Budget is $3000, really don't want to go over that. I need a phono stage as well. My system is Sonus Faber Sonetto VIII, PrimaLuna EVO 400 integrated. My digital is a Innuos Zenith mkIII into a Chord Qutest. My initial thoughts on a couple tables were the Mofi Ultradeck, Music Hall 7.3 and Rega Planar 6. I am sorry but I just don't like the look of the Technics stuff. I am not a big fan of the Rega looks either but I know it gets great reviews. I was considering a Clear Audio Concept until I joined the Facebook owners group and hear about all the motor speed problems. Initial phone Pre I was looking at were the Mofi and KC Vibe. The Ultradeck seems very solid and seems to get great reviews.
Thank you for your thoughts. 
You don't like the Technics or the Rega, dare I say the 2 most obvious choices?

That's unfortunate.

I wouldn't rule out Clearaudio either. It's simply unthinkable that an established company like that would risk their reputation by using poor quality motors.

Many years ago Pink Triangle were bought down by persistent rumours of speed instability. All of which seemed to stem from one particular review which seemed to be endlessly resuscitated.

Of course years later it is common fact that Pink Triangle made some of the best turntables ever built.

If all else fails, why not consider the Pro-Ject Classic. Their Carbon was already a good deck, and this is better.

I can second what MC said about siting. It really can make all the difference.

I found a lightweight rigid wooden table preferable to any wall shelf but every situation (turntable/room) can be different.
Technics SL-1200 MK7

 accept no substitutes. She will last you 35 years with proper care and maintenance.

we own 3 of them, 2 are well over 30 years old, still start/stop on dime, and play as new.

Or use up your budget on the SL-1200G
or the SL-1210gr. 
 Last TT you will ever buy, no belts, no problems with speed, just 30 years of trouble free ,visually stunning reliability. 
I basically went though the same thing to get back into Vinyl. I went with the Rega 6 and their MC, as it avoided all the setup issues and matching, etc. It was high enough 'high-end' to satisfy a jump back into vinyl, without going over board. But it was a tough choice between that and Clearaudio and Music Hall. It turns out I'm glad I didn't go up to the next level ($7-10K in my opinion) as I like (repeat I like) my digital setup, sound and convenience much more then spinning records again. 
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Sorry ..have to disagree with above....avoid the exact almost ruined me for getting back into vinyl....There are much better choices for the money. I also got out of the rega turntable game because of inability to adjust tonearm height without 3rd party gizmos.

I do think the cart (and phono pre) is far more of a factor than the table

This is my experience and opinion...I may be wrong 😉