Townshend Springs under Speakers

I was very interested, especially with all the talk.   I brought the subject up on the Vandersteen forum site, and Richard Vandersteen himself weighed in.   As with everything, nothing is perfect in all circumstances.  If the floor is wobbly, springs can work, if the speaker is on solid ground, 3 spikes is preferred.
This is turning into a conflation of Tales of Brave Ulysses and the Perils of Pauline.

rix, thanks, that’s the one. The one where he effused with over the top abandon at Townsends cables. One can still see the backhanded compliment to Denny and Gabriel as now there’s a new DIYer in town.

As to "when did he start" I know the question is of course not genuine but born in jealousy. Anyone truly without an axe to grind would ask only, "Does the stuff perform as he says? Are his evaluations accurate?"
Jealousy? Really? I, and others here, are still waiting for your apology.
Until then, I will look askance at anything you say or advocate.

All the best,
"As to "when did he start" I know the question is of course not genuine but born in jealousy. Anyone truly without an axe to grind would ask only, "Does the stuff perform as he says? Are his evaluations accurate?"

It does. They are. This only makes the haters rage all the more. Sad. So freaking"

With all due respect I don’t believe those who are asking straightforward questions are motivated by jealousy. At least it does not appear this way from my vantage point. You seem to feel any reasonable inquiry is an attack against you. How so?

I say best wishes to you, and again I just believe people want open disclosure on products you frequently tout/promote ’if’ there’s a business or financial connection. I do not believe that is an unfair standard or expectation.
there’s a new DIYer in town.- nonoise
Is that millercarbon?

I say best wishes to you, and again I just believe people want open disclosure on products you frequently tout/promote ’if’ there’s a business or financial connection. I do not believe that is an unfair standard or expectation.
Obviously, that's reasonable Charles.
With all due respect, this bunch is as reasonable as a pack of hyenas.
Then quit the forum. No one knows anything but you, anyway.
Start your own with your own rules where you can control every aspect of the narrative. Take your fanboys with you to have an instant audience that will bow to your insanely superior audio knowledge. All of them are new here, anyway.
See? Sometimes there are solutions.
Two, in this instance.