@chorus, My listening room is 14’ x 19’, knotty pine paneled with brick fireplace. Gear is against one of the short walls with frequent foot traffic passing right in front. Haven’t used any room treatments but I have a large upholstered sectional that dominates room and I think would reduce reflections. Not an ideal arrangement but it’s what I have. The only room option I have is the front room, 17’ square, but the front door is right there and I don’t want anyone coming to door to see my gear.
I mostly listen low-to-moderate sound level and variety of music but mostly older rock/old country/blues — not against modern music if its good but most is not my taste. My speakers are a pair of Martin-Logan XT60’s and two SVS SB 2000 subs. I try to go bang-for-the-buck on gear, so I try to avoid spend thousands on any one piece. Probably have $8500 in what I have, including the Freya+.