Thinking Out Loud

I have been interested in checking out the “tube sound” for some time and just bought a Schiit Freya+ to pair with my SS amp.  The Freya+ replaces, or compliments, a Parasound P5 preamp I have been using.  I don’t know whether to just set aside the Parasound pre and go with the Freya+, as I don’t know how to incorporate both into my system so I could just switch between them.

A bigger issue surfaced when I realized the Freya+ doesn’t have a dac, not even for phono use.  So it wasn’t as simple as getting the Freya+ and dropping it into the system, I now need to supply a dac for at least the phono.  I had previously purchased a Audiolab CD transport, which lacks a built-in dac.  To remedy that, I bought a Pro-ject Dac Box 2 that I was just using with the Audiolab via the RCA-type connection.  I know this dac has other connections, but I’m not sure if I can connect it to the Freya+ using the other connections.  The Pro-ject has no power off button, so I have been plugging and unplugging it each time I play a CD.  Now I would have to do that each time I want to play vinyl — a bit annoying.

I think my problem is that I approached things piecemeal, adding/substituting gear without realizing up front the problems in doing that.  Do I just switch to the Freya+ full-time or is there a good way to incorporate both preamps?  Do I try to use the Pro-ject dac with available connections, or do I retire the Pro-Ject and buy a more full-featured dac equipped to handle multiple devices easily?

A good Phonostage is costly but worth the investment. I have never heard a good one for less than a couple thousand. So, think 
buying used.

You don’t get out much, do you?

@chorus, My listening room is 14’ x 19’, knotty pine paneled with brick fireplace.  Gear is against one of the short walls with frequent foot traffic passing right in front.  Haven’t used any room treatments but I have a large upholstered sectional that dominates room and I think would reduce reflections.  Not an ideal arrangement but it’s what I have.  The only room option I have is the front room, 17’ square, but the front door is right there and I don’t want anyone coming to door to see my gear.

I mostly listen low-to-moderate sound level and variety of music but mostly older rock/old country/blues — not against modern music if its good but most is not my taste.  My speakers are a pair of Martin-Logan XT60’s and two SVS SB 2000 subs.  I try to go bang-for-the-buck on gear, so I try to avoid spend thousands on any one piece.  Probably have $8500 in what I have, including the Freya+.
I have yet to experiment with adding the Freya to my system,  Will try some combinations and see what pleases.  Thank you for all your suggestions. 
You need a phono stage to pair up with your pre amp, not a “DAC,” for vinyl.  I believe that vintage 6SN7 tubes (Sylvania/Upscale) are the way to go for both pre amps and phono stages.  I have an Audio Electronic Supply (Cary) phono stage and a Vacuum Tube Audio SP14 preamp.
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