Small Room... Big Stereo

I just moved to Munich... which is a good thing I guess.
Any advice on setting up a stereo in a small room (12foot by 12 foot)?
I assume I just tune it, pad it, carpet it.....  it is a f**king echo chamber...
My stereo is showing up in 2 weeks.

Raidho D2.1
Rel Acoustic S510 * 2
AR VT80...
Naim Streamer
Mark Levinson Pre
Rega P8 TT

Any thoughts on the ceiling or other sound proofing would be good.

You are going to need DSP + Absorption panels badly. Get the 4" thick kind at least from GIK and maybe the art panels if you want to decorate as well.  Thick panels can go deeper and compensate for lack of more panels.

Because the room is so small you won’t be able to fit decent bass traps so you’ll need DSP to clip the massive bass peaks.

Don't forget the ceiling.  Treating it can reduce the echo/cavernous feeling by a great deal.