Avantgarde or Tonian?

Hello, I am relatively new to the SET world. But I was thinking to match my Berning Siegfried (the 811-10 version, 10WPC, OTL) with either a pair of Avantgarde Unos or a pair of Tonian Classic 12.1. Has anyone had direct experiences with both of them? I know they're both good but I was wondering if anyone had first-hand experience of pros and cons. Thanks.
"So, you disagree that keeping constant room acoustics, source, electronics, listening position, et cetera, and changing only the speaker there has been a progressive movement toward offering a more intense sensory experience, and what I mean by that is the idea of letting you "see" the source of the music be that an orchestra, two people playing guitar, or a chamber group? Do you disagree with this statement?"

I agree that it is a key enabler of all that.

I'd also assert that it is a good thing.

But it is not the only factor that determines the results.

AN analogy is HD TV.

The best source material on HDTV pushes the limits in regards to a quality image.

I think there is no denying that?

But actual picture quality will vary depending on the source material. An old sitcom from teh 70's like Laverne and Shirley might look better than ever before, but still be far off the pace in regards to picture quality.

At least with HD video, you don't have to worry about room acoustics although other factors unique to video do come into play, like where you watch from and how bright the room is.
Mapman, semantics yes but over my 40 plus years of listening all I know is that when a system wows me it also fatigues me over time and I end up not listening for either long sessions or at all however when a system lets me forget about the equipment it's then that I sit back and can listen for hours on end.
As the equipment gets better we face an even more tricky balancing act between life & sterility in playback. Years ago the equipment itself coloured so much as to change the original recording.

Now ultra low distortion & noise floors now reveal the source/recording as never before. Great recordings can sound great while lesser recordings can become horrible.

Avantgarde are capable of either view depending on the amplifier, set up & source. This is why as an audiophile you need to understand what you want from a system. If not, prepare yourself for the journey.
No doubt sensory overload can be fatiguing.

But there are many ways to calm things down when needed. You can't add what is not there to start, assuming one cares.

A bad recording is a bad recording. Nothing can make it something it isn't.