Sweet new tube amp needs better speakers

I am trying to move up from my old Martin Logan 40"s. I recently bought a Cayin CS-55a  30 watt Integrated tube amp. It sounds really good with EL34s or the KT88s. I bought a pair of Triangle Borea Br-03 bookshelf speakers (under $500 / pair) and was Wowed by the improvement in sound. Now I want to move up. My goal is to upgrade to a set of speakers in the $2000 to $4000 price range. they should be floor standers under 43 inches tall and with a sensitivity of over 90db. I don't want them to be excessively bright and I don't plan on using a subwoofer.. We mostly listen to blues, rock and roots music (African, Brazilian  and Middle Eastern). My room is about 14 by 20 and open on the short side to the kitchen. I have been looking at Teckton Perfect Set 2- 10, Zu Omen MK II. Kef Q-950, ProAc DT-8 and the Triangle BR-09 and Gaia EZ. 

thank you in advance for any feedback and suggestions 
Tectons are 3 months out
Zu's out of stock

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We have some vinyl - preferred source - with a Pro-Ject Carbon Xpressions turntable and an Ortofon blue cartridge. A bunch of CDs, plus we do stream some stuff also via Apple lossless and an Audioengine B1 dac.
@hoytis I am interested in the KLH, I used to own some Klipschs but the horns were irritating, I have never seen the JBLl100
Take a look at a used pair of Devore Nines too. Also a used pair of Verity Fidelio’s posted in NH. Good luck with your search.
The Forte III's are a good suggestion.  Mine have paired well with Class AB ultra-linear push pull tube amps.  The DeVores tend to prefer SET or triode tube designs.  Proac may be a good choice as well.
Devore Nines are $10,000 way over my budget , unless I can find some used ones. Great looking speaker.