@sourpuss123-Keep your Spin Clean around. When I have very dirty records, I give them a spin in the Spin Clean (with 3 drops of Tergikleen in the tank) prior to a dip in the Degritter. Keeps the filter much cleaner in the Degritter.
You might find this article helpful. It covers the ultrasonic tank (the non-removable tank) cleaning plus vinegar flush recommended every 200~300 records depending on how dirty your records are to prevent mold growth-yuk! This information is not in the manual packed with the machine. The vinegar flush is mentioned on Degritter’s website.
While you’re at it, if you haven’t already read this:
It’s well worth reading particularly the section relating to surfactant usage in the Degritter.
You might find this article helpful. It covers the ultrasonic tank (the non-removable tank) cleaning plus vinegar flush recommended every 200~300 records depending on how dirty your records are to prevent mold growth-yuk! This information is not in the manual packed with the machine. The vinegar flush is mentioned on Degritter’s website.
While you’re at it, if you haven’t already read this:
It’s well worth reading particularly the section relating to surfactant usage in the Degritter.