Budget Phono preAmp

Hi All,

I am trying to make a small upgrade to my current system - for which Vinyl will be the most used source. My thinking is an affordable Phono PreAmp - but I’m trying to decide which one. I’m currently looking at either:
  • Rega Fono MM MK3
  • Moon 110LP v2
My current system is:
  • Dynaudio Special 40s
  • 30 year old Linn Axis Turntable with new Addikt MM cartridge
  • Marantz sr5014 A/V receiver
So right now it is all Moving Magnet and no need for Coil. Eventually the Linn will need to be replaced, and probably a later cartridge upgrade too, but by then I’ll have upgraded the receiver situation to either a nice integrated option or separates. Right now its most bang for the buck with a limited investment.

All thoughts warmly appreciated!
The recommended Parasound Zphono but earlier non XRM model can be had for only a bit more than the Mani. It's definitely a step above the Schitt.

Also the phono stage of the recommended Adcom GFP 565 is also excellent. I have used both in secondary systems. Both punch way above their price points.
If you cannot decide if you want to pull the trigger on the KC Vibe then go with the Mani. $129 does not put you out. I own it and for the money it is so good. Also, you can sell it for $30 less than what you paid. So you will have $470 to put towards your next phono stage. The KC Vibe is a nice phono stage. It handle both MM and MC so you are covered. At $500 it’s a good deal. I’m thinking you can get it for $500 vs $550. If you can’t get it go for the Mani. I still have mine because it’s a good value and backup. 
The Mani is fine for the money. With that said, there are tons of options, especially used. The Moon is a great pre for the price. I have heard it against several others. The Phonomena is great as well. I am using a PS Audio GCPH that I got a great deal on and it sounds fantastic.
To my ears, the Mani will do in a pinch. But spend a little more, it's worth it.
