Many of you know david_ten.  David has been a respected and knowledgeable member of this forum for some time.  His musical journey has taken him down an interesting and thoughtful pathway.  He has always been a gentleman with a positive thing to say. When other members were at life's end, it was David who reached out to them. 

I have had the privilege of getting to know David a bit outside the realm of this forum. Sadly, David's safety and home encountered some trying times with the recent devastating hurricane in New Orleans.  Fortunately, he and his family are safe. However, his home sustained significant damage.  Trying to move forward with limited water, food, gasoline, and no electric service has been difficult indeed.

Please offer David a word of encouragement and/or your prayers during this difficult time. I'm sure he would appreciate that.  Yet one more reminder of all that we have to be thankful for.

David is one of the few people on audio fora that I respect.  His kindness to others, and lack of an agenda, are shown over and over in his posts.  He is also a music first audiophile, and I have discovered some great music from his suggestions.  Hope all is well for him and his family.
Relying on the Red Cross to help our hurting member is by no means the best way possible. I’m sure that members that have kept up with the controversies and Red Cross’ continued public flogging over their mistakes, know this as a matter of fact. They do as they please with funds until public outcry forces a director out or the course gets corrected, whichever comes first. Hearing those that don’t know this, tout the RC as the best means to directly help ANYONE is like nails on a chalkboard to my ears. It makes little sense to tout this as the best way, regardless of the RC track record, unless of course, you’re not actually going to donate and plan to hide behind the lip service. If the OP can organize a direct donation campaign for David, I’m sure his eligibility for Red Cross relief will not be jeopardized and the upcoming and ongoing red tape fiasco can be taken a little easier with his own direct relief funds in pocket.