What is the #1 equipment want currently on your HiFi horizon???

Okay I will start. 

1. Reclocker for my DAC. 
Passive volume control. 
Maybe getting rid of the preamp will help.  Maybe not.
Best system ever heard.
Maybe a Jung super-regulator. .
Tough call.
I did it…sold the Node2i and went with a Aurender N100SC. Can’t wait to get everything up and running! 
Don’t know what it is yet.

The families increased day to day use of digital has me in a conundrum of deciding a more universal access device over our current Squeezebox Touch. 

Feickert Volare for my second system.  And maybe a Hi Fi Rose for my main rig ...
Very next step is an upgrade to my PreAmp/Dac/Headphone amp from the Burson Conductor 3 Performance to the Conductor 3 Reference(unbalanced)..
 After that maybe(BIG maybe)an upgrade from the M30.1's to a 3 way floorstander & I'm off the merry go round for good...