"I have the best system in the world!" An Audiophile's Journey

I had long been a die-hard agnostic when it came to high-end audio cabling, magic fuses, nanotechnology rhodium outlets, and products with purported anti-vibrational properties. After all, I have a degree in electronics from the Teccart Institute. I can’t be fooled into believing such nonsense!
I have the best system in the world! — PMA (pmamedia.org)
Gilles is pretty cool. The one thing that sticks out about his listening room is the vast amount of acoustic treatment. Indeed that is a MAJOR part of any truly satisfying listening experience. Sadly too many listeners here rely mostly only on top of the line equipment. I cannot afford top of the line equipment but I do have great acoustic treatment and the results are outstanding. Pay attention to Gilles and you may further enhance your audiophile journey. Thanks artemus_5 for posting that.
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I freely admit being completely jealous.  Wow.  
And if he has put that much effort into such a beautiful space and system, he should believe he has the best system in the world, meaning there is nothing he wants to change. End Game.  So yes, green with envy here.
Thanks OP.