Recommendations and thoughts for end game speakers and amps

Good morning all. I am looking at Rockport Avior ii speakers. My dealer likes Boulder amps with these but I wanted to get everyone’s opinion first. I will be getting an integrated with HT bypass. Right now I’m looking at the Boulder 866, Gryphon Diablo 300, and the Simaudio 700iv2. Has anyone listened to these speakers with these amps? I’m looking for highly detailed but not harsh highs and mids and outstanding bass as well. Basically a set up that performs fantastic from top to bottom. If you have any other speaker or amp suggestions please let me know. Thank you! 
Youareleaving out too many variables your front end, digital, analog have a Big influence as well as system cables 
power cords , My brother owns the Gryphon300 it has a very natural warmer character with very good detail it competes or 
beats any $20 k+ separates out there better synergy being amp,preamp of very high quality less power cord,as well as interconnects . Buy a top digital piece a great digital combo 
Bricasti21 dac-streamer great sound and synergy 3 separate  linear power supplies and a ton of other great engineering under 1 hood . Rock port makes a excellent Loudspeaker .
Thank you everyone for the input. 

I am leaning more towards the Diablo 300 at this point. It’s interesting the Aviors replaced the kanta 2 in your system as mine will replace Kanta 3s. 

I have only read great things about the Bricasti DAC s on this forum and it’s on my list as well. 
There is absolutely no reason to spend that kind of money to achieve great would have to be insane to spend 50k or more on a pair of speakers...unless maybe your a multi millionaire, then who cares..I guess🤷🙄....even then, I would not.
Thought the Diablo was the real deal but recently left it for the Arva p400/1000 ncore amp driving Salon 2’s. Goodbye to the old technology. But only if you’re prepared for unmasked listening. Much cheaper too...