Critical listening and altered states

Ok, this is not a question about relaxing, but about listening to evaluate how the system (or a piece of gear is sounding).

What, in your experience, are the pluses and minuses of altering your state of mind for listening? This can include anything you've used to affect your everyday state of mind, from coffee, beer, scotch, tobacco, to much stronger — and psychoactive, dissociative — additives.

What do you gain by altering your consciousness in terms of what you notice, attend to, linger on, etc?
What causes more details to emerge?
What allows you to stick with a thread or, alternately, make new connections?

Or perhaps you like to keep all those things *out* of your listening; if that's you, please say a bit about why.

    A certain revered string agitator once said: "are you experienced? not necessarily stoned, but experienced?"  Pleasure without analysis is immersive listening- the right brain; critical listening- the left...  Actually producing music by a trained performer-both sides now.
  Is your "pleasure" from evaluating, or being one with the sound...mutually exclusive, both can be fulfilling.  Give me both grasshopper!
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What’s a goal, if not the goal, of audio? To produce a euphoric state. It seems there are many paths towards that goal, and that they may overlap.
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