Clearaudio TT5 tangential tonearm


I am entering analog world and seek your opinion about Clearaudio’s new TT5 tangential tonearm. On paper tangential tonearms seem extremely convincing and pivoted tonearms seem a compromise from the start.

Can you please share your experience with Clearaudio TT5/3/2 tangential tonearm? Are the metal wheels on glass tube mechanism inherently noisy? Any maintenance issues?

I have used a Eminent Technology 2 air bearing linear tracking arm on a VPI table for the last 30+ years.  I have made plans to drive to Atlanta and buy a new tt and arm next week.  It will be a Clearaudio Performance DC table and a Clearaudio Tracer radial tone arm.  I am worn out with messing with linear tracking arms.
clearance sale on the ET ?

to the OP, they are rarely set and forget. The CA arm origin is at root dna Souther it not same Arm.  i sold and setup a few Southers back in the day. Keeping the rods clean pays big dividends.

The ET-2 series is my fave to this day but i have not heard the Kuzma.

Any dog that can be trained to power up the air pump gets my nod !
The TT5 is a great arm. They can be temperamental but once setup it produces beautiful music. Every aspect of the table and arm must be level. It also really like flat records. I came very close to buying one but decided on something else. My hands  no longer work like they used work. It might take a few hours to set up. I might buy one in the near future.
I like linear tracking arm. I had a chance to play with one for a few hours.
 I have a ET2 arm on my second turntable. It took me about 8 hours to get it setup. Once set up it stays setup.
Go for it.