When will Wadia 581 be available

Did anybody hear something about the Wadia 581 yet. I am waiting already for 5 months for the new CD player. I made already a payment and hope to get it soon. I heard they have problems writing the new software. Now I see some shops offering it while the German and Dutch distributor do not have it yet. Luckily I still have my Krell CD player but now I bought an 861B again for my second system since the 581 is not available (only vapourware).

What will the price be in America. In Europe it will be around 9000 euro new.

i would suggest emailing wadia and asking them first hand what the shipping date would be to your dealer ...price in USA is. {wadia581=$6950 - wadia581-i=$8450 }...

As of right now Wadia expects to begin shipping the new W581 during the week of June 26. This date applys to all dealers and distributors in all markets.

There has been more R&D required than previously anticipated which has continuouly pushed back the expected ship date. Our engineers are in the process of finalizing a new reference clock and thus far the results have been extraordinay.

Our dealers and distributors have been and are currently taking orders. As of this moment we are sold through our first double production run and new orders can expect shipment towards the end of July.

we have updated our website with additional information on the W581, but if anyone has specific questions about the W581 I can address them in this thread or you can email me at sales@wadia.com