When will Wadia 581 be available

Did anybody hear something about the Wadia 581 yet. I am waiting already for 5 months for the new CD player. I made already a payment and hope to get it soon. I heard they have problems writing the new software. Now I see some shops offering it while the German and Dutch distributor do not have it yet. Luckily I still have my Krell CD player but now I bought an 861B again for my second system since the 581 is not available (only vapourware).

What will the price be in America. In Europe it will be around 9000 euro new.

i would suggest emailing wadia and asking them first hand what the shipping date would be to your dealer ...price in USA is. {wadia581=$6950 - wadia581-i=$8450 }...

As of right now Wadia expects to begin shipping the new W581 during the week of June 26. This date applys to all dealers and distributors in all markets.

There has been more R&D required than previously anticipated which has continuouly pushed back the expected ship date. Our engineers are in the process of finalizing a new reference clock and thus far the results have been extraordinay.

Our dealers and distributors have been and are currently taking orders. As of this moment we are sold through our first double production run and new orders can expect shipment towards the end of July.

we have updated our website with additional information on the W581, but if anyone has specific questions about the W581 I can address them in this thread or you can email me at sales@wadia.com
Well now it is 7 months ago since I made a payment for the Wadia and still no 581. Two of my friends already cancelled their order for the Wadia 581. Is Wadia still alive ??.

They must ship the 581 soon because my friends are now looking for other brand CD player. Without a good CD player they will loose business. I do not understand why they do not sell the 861 anymore until they have a replacement. Can you imagine a car company stopping the old model for one year and then bring up the next model. Normally always a new model will replace the old model. Sometimes both of them are available in the same time. If there would be more 861 available my friends maybe will buy a 861. Now they will buy Levinson or something else.

Wadia's marketing and timing are not their strength. but funny that it is precisely their unique, independent, detached, innovative, and solid ways that attracted me to their technology and products.

i agree that it is never fun to wait for a product already paid for to arrive. it was a painful 3 months to wait for my 861b, and 12 more months for the metal remote. but do you agree that the making of products of great quality should not be rushed?

i believe Wadia depleted its supply of TEAC transports, thus, is unable to make more 861...

best wishes to Peter and Wadia.
So far still no Wadia. I am happy if I receive it before Chrismas. This means one year !!! waiting time. Let's wait and see. I am close to cancelling my order. I like the Wadia CD players but will stick to Krell since they are available and more reliable.
Your patience will be well rewarded. It's a great player and the production units are just beginning to ship now. I'm a little surprised someone took a deposit from you on a unit that wasn't even shipping yet, but if you want to get one of the first of anything I guess you have to be willing to accept that delays can occur in the roll out of product. I for one am just glad Wadia spent the time necessary to get it right and build something the truly breaks new ground.
Could you clarify? When you say that Krell is more reliable than Wadia, do you mean the company or the product or both?
Well let's say that the Wadia sounds a little bit better than the Krell (but not much). However my old KPS28C always works without any problem and reads all CD's. If I need service I can just bring it to the Teac repair center which costs me about 20% of what the Krell distributors calculate.

In the last years I had about 5 Wadia CD players of which 3 had problems (new players). So I guess their reliability is not that great. But all problems were solved quickly and after that they functioned well without problems. So in the end they are still good and reliable.

GNSC is right. I wanted to have the first 581 available and to make sure I got it I did already a payment. Knowing Wadia for their great CD players I have no doubt about it that the sound will be great. I prefer to have a unit that is tested and reliable and if it then takes a little longer for Wadia to produce it that is no problem to me.

Sound wise there is Wadia and the rest. No other player is as musical and still has great dynamics and bass as the Wadia. The Krell is better in the bass but the overall performance of the Wadia is better.

I am curious about the SACD also. So far I never heard an SACD player that with SACD can beat my Krell KPS28C on CD. I had the Sony SACD1, SACD777 and Marantz SA11 and SA17 and Teac DV50S. All sounded worse on SACD than the Krell on CD. I guess if you want to beat a 10.000 $ CD player on SACD you need also a 10.000 $ SACD player.

I had 4 Krell CD players of which only one had a problem.
I ordered a Wadia 581 about three weeks ago. I was told the unit would be shipped at the end of August. It has not been shipped. I will post here when the 581 arrives.
581 is available. I´ll very soon get my GNSC modded 581 - looking foreward to that as the standard 581 is already beyond expectation (betters the 861 SE in all areas).
>> 09-26-06: Frankpiet
>> 581 is available. I´ll very soon get my GNSC modded
>> 581 - looking foreward to that as the standard 581 is
>> already beyond expectation (betters the 861 SE in all
>> areas).

can you please give specific details - details when you compared tracks played on the stock 581 & the stock 861SE?

I'd be real interested in your opinions of the GNSC-modified 581 & a comparison of sonics to the GNSC-modified 861SE.
Bombayawalla: when the unit is fully burned in I keep you on track. A shoot-out between 861 SE, P-8i, X0-1 Ltd. and Reimyo CDP will follow in mid October (two dealers and two friends of mine will bring their stuff to compare it with my 581.
Hello Frankpiet,

Where do you live. In Holland and Germany the Wadia 581 is not available yet. We are still waiting. I am already happy if I get it around Chrismat which means 1 year !! waiting time.

Sprbggr: more about the new 581 in my virtual systems forum. Its an amazing unit right out of the box..
I received my Wadia 581 with v1.02 software on 13 DEC 2006.
So far, I am very impressed with the sound - deep, wide, natural and musical.

I see that Wadia are increasing the price of the 581 by $1,000 but I still feel that the 581 is excellent value because of its performance and build quality.

Well done Wadia. ;-)
Well I finally received my 581 last week. It has been playing continuously since then. I must say that it was well worth the waiting. It is a fantastic player. The player is much better than the 861B I had before. More musical, better bass and dynamics. It is even better than my Krell KPS28C (when I compared the Krell to the Wadia 861B it was a mater of preference).

Now this is the player to keep. Musical, dynamics, good bass. It is not cheap but it can play SACD and has an excellent preamp inside. If I connect the Wadia directly to the poweramp or use the preamp (Audio Research Reference 3) I hardly hear any difference.

hi Peter, no difference going directly to amps vs using pre.is there and advantage going to pre you hear