Digital cables can make a noticeable difference ,the latest Wire-world Platinum 8 is a excellent example excellent detail
and a verygood balance ,not as cool as the older 7 series,
also is possible buying a dac on upper tier with A Streamer module built in is better in several ways such as the Bricasti -M3
Dac-Streamer excellent detail and musicality ,Roon ready .Ethernet is noticeably lower noise,then spdif,band,or usb, and by having the streamer in the same chassis in a premium dac 1 less power cord,and cable
and much better isolation ,all digital signals are totally isolated
from noise and digital single is not unpacked and converted until
it arrives to streamer, this too applies from server,or computer
do to several Linear power supplies,filtering,and pre and post voltage regulation dual AD 1955 Multibit dacs ,and R2R and filters in upper models , and many other
more complex duties,a true bargain IMO that’s why switched from just a very good dac , and the future of things to Come ,Bricasti has been in professional mastering studios for years directly because of their implementations in correct digital playback .Their upper M1,and Flagship M21 are noticeably better still.