Weirdly, my Linn/Akito rig will not play polka...just won’t...
Funny, my SOTA is able to.It sounded just like when we heard it live.
But I suppose a SOTA plays MinneSOTA music as well as world music?
A turntable that plays all types of music well
Weirdly, my Linn/Akito rig will not play polka...just won’t... Funny, my SOTA is able to.It sounded just like when we heard it live. But I suppose a SOTA plays MinneSOTA music as well as world music? |
Hello, I am going to say Origin Live. You can look at the website to see where your budget fits. I am really impressed with the owner. He has a strive towards perfection. Also, if you want to get a new arm they have great options. You are definitely set on your cart unless you want to ditch the phono stage all together. Just another option for you to look at. |
The two LPs just didn't have the same thing on offer for the cartridge to pick up?I have a decent collection of 50s-70s jazz records. You can hear the sound quality change as they moved from tubes to transistor, from live to studio mixes, and from both to digital. Comparing the acoustic of a 1958 Doc Evans to a muddled digital cacophony is apparent once both the recording technology and the method of creation change. |