Tweaks are about a deeper understanding of how sound is being produced from the recording process all the way to the end result.
Tweaks also seem really counter intuitive and voodoo magic at times. How can six feet of wire dramatically change the sound when electricity has traveled 1000s of miles to get to your stereo. Honestly I have no idea. My latest theory with NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE is that it’s not filtering the electricity from the source but it’s effecting the electricity changes produced from inside the device... but I digress.
Cable lifters ungodly expensive. 8 little plastic foglifter devices $150 and do they even work???
Before spending your hard earned cash try an experiment.
Buy a case of beer (everything sounds better with beer)
Buy lots more broccoli (don’t just steal the rubber bands)
Go to the drawer that has all those rubber bands that came on the broccoli
I have two sizes thick and thin
put the thick rubber band near the bottom and the thinner rubber band around the top
wedge a piece of cardboard between the bottles so they don’t vibrate. (I cut mine from a pizza box... had to use the leftover beer)
repeat until you have enough to get the cables off the floor.
now just listen. Is it better?
If it is, buy Danager a beer. If it isn’t just drink the beer and eat the broccoli.
this sounds like a win win to me
Tweaks also seem really counter intuitive and voodoo magic at times. How can six feet of wire dramatically change the sound when electricity has traveled 1000s of miles to get to your stereo. Honestly I have no idea. My latest theory with NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE is that it’s not filtering the electricity from the source but it’s effecting the electricity changes produced from inside the device... but I digress.
Cable lifters ungodly expensive. 8 little plastic foglifter devices $150 and do they even work???
Before spending your hard earned cash try an experiment.
Buy a case of beer (everything sounds better with beer)
Buy lots more broccoli (don’t just steal the rubber bands)
Go to the drawer that has all those rubber bands that came on the broccoli
I have two sizes thick and thin
put the thick rubber band near the bottom and the thinner rubber band around the top
wedge a piece of cardboard between the bottles so they don’t vibrate. (I cut mine from a pizza box... had to use the leftover beer)
repeat until you have enough to get the cables off the floor.
now just listen. Is it better?
If it is, buy Danager a beer. If it isn’t just drink the beer and eat the broccoli.
this sounds like a win win to me