High end high quality int. amp for low level listening

Hello to all Audigon members.  I'm quite in a dilemma weather I should upgrade my amplifier. Currently I own Pathos classic one MK3 driving Sonus Faber Sonetto's speakers, and I must say I'm very happy with sound filling my 35 square meters room. However, it's known that the speakers are power hungry as they rated at 86db sensitivity and 4 ohm impedance and I think they will surely benefit from a bigger power supply. With all that being said I'm not sure if I will hear any improvement mostly because 90% of the time I listen at ~60dBs SPL. My budget is around 5k $ and these are the amplifiers I've been considering:  Hegel H390, Anthem STR, Cambridge Audio Edge A, McIntosh MA5300/MA252, Accuphase e280, Rotel Michi x3 or used Pass Labs INT 25, Mark Levinson 5805.

What do you think guys, will any of the amplifiers make ay difference at 60dB SPL ? 
Good for you, if you have the money. For low listening levels, go with a more sensitive speaker, and the Schiit Loki, or Lokius.
I don’t think I would consider changing unless I was going to buy in the $8 - 10K range. At best you will get similar sound, at worst not nearly as good. I
Accuphase! The e-280 should be plenty, or maybe a e-380. The last generation 270/370 is not a lot different. Easiest to find with Japan voltage.