I know my hearing is good - 18khz at my last hearing test, and reasonably flat.Good grief @dover ....that's amazing!
Mine cuts out at about 11K Hz....🙉
No wonder you can hear things on my YouTube videos that I can't!!!
The chances that he can set up a top end turntable accurately is remote.The fact that you pick on the only man on earth who actually makes a 'living' selling his vinyl setup videos is ironic..🤥
For twenty years I had a Rega Planar 3 with Hadcock GH-228 unipivot tonearm.
If ANYONE can successfully master the adjustments on the GH-228 tonearm......everything else is a piece of cake 🤗
The Continuum Cobra and Copperhead arms are both PITA to setup for different cartridges and certainly not appropriate for a reviewer to use.
I think that's the main reason Mikey changed to the 4-Point and then the SAT.
After setting up dozens of cartridges.....one can become quite adept at it.
After setting up hundreds (as Mikey and I have done).....proficiency is not in doubt 😂
I've watched Mikey's setup procedure and don't do mine the same way...but then all of my tonearms (except for the Copperhead) have detachable headshells.
I certainly DON'T follow his USB microscope torture for SRA of 92 degrees.
If you can't HEAR when the VTA sounds best...you shouldn't be setting up a cartridge at all!!
I am the same age as Mikey, with good eyesight and steady hands.
I can setup cartridges whilst I chew a sandwich, talk on the phone and watch CNN all at the same time 🙃