Hi sbank 'Spencer' you have been very fortunate to have participated within a group with such a wide range of systems and experience.
I also fully understand how it can be to be insular when it comes to experiencing HiFi and lose a broad spectrum on how systems can sound and compare to ones own set up. The social interactive side is my most enjoyed part of my HiFi Enthusiasm and I do local group and planned for journey's to meet with like minded friends.
As a direct comparison it is difficult to offer a description as it is a long time since all Tonearms have been compared, one description that might help is that a Audiomods and SME IV have a similarity it their presentation.
When a Tonearm Design is used that can offer a unconstrained delivery that is differing from the above two designs it will show itself with quite a noticeable separation.
I loaned the SME IV to a friend during 2020 and they used this as a Benchmark against other Tonearms being trialled, in the end the a
12" Glanz Model was selected to be used.
I thought my go to Tonearm in use for the past few years was quite separated to the usual Tonearm Designs I am familiar with, it certainly has a standout presentation, that is without constraint, with a musicality and airiness to the delivery, capable of immense detail retrieval,
which are the traits that won me over and this has been my end game Tonearm in my mind.
The recent demonstration of the New Design Tonearm has made me rethink the end game thought and I am eagerly awaiting the next opportunity to listen to it.
These type of assessments are subjective and it is difficult to explain the properties of the design that contribute to making such a positive impression.
How this Tonearm Design would separate itself from my owned Audiomods or SME IV is something that can put on the agenda for the future. How the test parameters are to be set up to be equal will be the challenge, I'm sure something can be created to allow for each to offer a reasonably accurate comparison.
Good Luck with your Socialising with Like Minded HiFi Friends in the Austin Texas Area, Blue Grass and Blue Steak evenings are sounding quite inviting.