Tube dampener questions

I bought some tube dampeners and on when I put them on the tubes on the amp and DAC it seemed to suck the life out of the sound so I removed them.

Doing some tube rolling and while the new tubes sounded good the vocals were disconnected somehow.  They seemed to distort during dynamics so I put a dampener on the input tube and it seemed to help at the cost of a little bit of life.

What is the correct way to use tube dampeners?
As vibration control are they like a guitar string and where they rest on the tube changes the frequency of the vibration?

Several burns later I think I got it right but I'm sure someone out there knows how to do this correctly.
well, like most things..sometimes a firmly held belief often developed w a small sample read experience  size, should now and then be revisited.

 The 6H30 tube does benefit imo. Albert has never heard this amplifier, nor the caliber of gear you would run with it.  Zoom in on the tube damper that serves another function as well. Some parameters, very audible are a function of temperature, so why not kill two birds….w one damping block ?

The ARC Ref series preamps using the 6H30 tube , using an elastomeric damper benefit also. Let me know when Albert creates anything better than  an ARC preamp…..

Notice the entire amp hangs from an HRS isolation truss. HRS like ARC and Vandersteen are measure and listen companies.

none of my more mundane preamps benefit, well except for the CJ which…wait for it..dampens the entire board.

carry on, but think and listen…
Agree with the others. I find all forms of damping to um, damp the music. 
Brian - The Croft of mine does not benefit, el cheapo  chassis..and all…

but i tried

It benefits from an HRS damper tho….. greatly
and Stillpoints.
I've tried several types also,but only had good results once with some 12AU7 tubes in a pre amp with Herbies. Much better results to be had with footers and platforms under tubed equipment.
also tubes like Tele that you cast aside as thin……well, maybe listen again…..