Aged components / service!?

I tried to get an insight in what is considered aged components in a pre amp. I look at a pre which is between 10-15 years old. Personally i kind of feel this is close to a no go. I get conflicting information with regards to service and age.
Do we have any members here who could actually teach me something regarding components and age?

Yes - totally depends on the brand.  I personally would not buy a component that old, but before buying any expensive used item I would contact someone who does service on those units and ask them whether the units can still be serviced. You can add Naim to the list of companies that service their components virtually forever. 
I agree, contact someone who overhauls audio equipment, get advice and a 'guesstimate' for a normal overhaul, factor that into your decision.

 I love my Vintage tube tuner/preamp from mid 60's, and love it more after having it worked on recently. That's 60 years old, 10 years is a drop in the bucket.

Not only great sound, but great features and options that newer equipment lacks. Die? Stolen? I'm getting another one, even though they are going up in price.

You don't have to go for 'super-audio' parts, just get it back within original specifications.

Cost: bought 1k, fix 1k: total $2k. New tube preamps with phono (or add a sep. phono) cost far more than that.

Lately, I think, have the seller ship it straight to Audio Classics or your repair shop, start with it overhauled.

Or, buy one with proof of recent overhaul, save yourself the trouble.

Bryson, Mcintosh, Cary, ARC, CJ, VTL (tongue in cheek), Krell, Pass, Decware and a FEW more, ALL require cleaning and maintenance.

I have never had any issues with any of the manufactures other than VTL, it wasn't a service issue, it was an information issue. They have some of the fastest turn around times in the business actually.

I have Macs over 60 years old, Carys over 30,  CJ over 30,  VTL over 30, Bryson over 25, Pass designs (20-35) Threshold and Adcom,  Decware over 10 years old.

I've serviced or had all the rest serviced.  They all function as they should.

Honestly, 10 year old gear is just broke-in, in most cases. SOME people actually use their gear all the time, MOST don't.

Preamps don't generate a lot of heat unless they are tube. I would not buy a used tube anything and I can repair just about all audio equipment. Bryston is an excellent audio manufacturer and they have a great warranty.
Depends a lot. 

Worst case scenario in a pre-amp or other line level device is very different than the worst case scenario in an amp.

With a PRE or DAC, for instance, worst case scenario is usually replacing bad caps.  If your power supply caps on an amp fail, or the coupling caps near the output stages, etc. then you can get into a lot of expensive repairs, and if they used proprietary output transistors which are no longer made this could mean the end of the amp.