
Hi All,
I have a friend who was telling me how he keeps a fan turned on, facing towards his amplifier, to keep it from getting too hot. I told him that it doesn't matter because the only heat that will affect his amplifier comes from internally. I'm now wondering if I could be wrong. So I'm wondering, if a stereo is in an attic during the summer and it's being played to the point of getting hot, will the temperature in the attic effect the amplifier?
So a fan doesn't hurt anything, this is probably common sense. And this is basically what I told my friend. My thought would be that if the amp had an internal power supply, that this would increase heat inside the unit. My friend has a Rega amp so it doesn't have visible heat sinks. The heat sinks on my amp however probably weigh 40 pounds on each side and my power supply is external. However, my amp is in my attic so I don't play it much in during summer. 
Just remember your removing the heat, not cooling the unit. By cooling the "WAY" it transfers heat, (the heat sink fins) it PULLS the heat out of the enclosure quicker, just like MC said.. By using internal fans and conduction. One is drawing heat out and the other is replacing the air inside the case.. Neither will work when the ambient is HIGH. It can actually work the other way with the heat sinks. They exchange heat, which ever is the lower, outside or inside..

A block of ICE. Fix you right up.. Maybe set the amp on the ice, not the ice on the amp.. :-)

Must be an ugly one to hide in the attic? ay?  I had a girlfriend like that.. I just used a bag when I got drunk, then double bag when I'd sober up..

Boy could she..... Dance.. :-)

If you have ever tried to cool a hot food liquid in a spoon (in order to taste it) inhaling the steam/heat is much more effective/faster than blowing on it.

Because of this in the few instances where I've used fans to cool tube gear I implemented the fans to draw heat away from the unit (VS blowing air on the unit).
